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Caption | Neuromuscular synapse analysis. A, double labeling of P0 diaphragm muscles of wild-type (+/+) and Apptm3.1Zhe/Apptm3.1Zhe (APP/hAbeta/mutC ki/ki) littermates with the anti-choline transporter (CHT) antibody and alpha-bungarotoxin that recognizes the postsynaptic acetylcholine receptors (AchR). Merge, overlay of CHT and AchR images. The open arrow marks the CHT staining beyond the end plates, and the arrowheads label the synaptic sites with sparse CHT staining. B, quantification of the percentage of AchR-positive endplates covered by CHT immunoreactivity (average +/- S.E. of 20 endplates per genotype). C, whole-mount staining of P0 diaphragm muscles of Apptm3.1Zhe/Apptm3.1Zhe Aplp2tm1Dbo/Aplp2tm1Dbo (Appki/kiAPLP2-/-) mutants (ki/ki) and littermate Aplp2tm1Dbo/Aplp2tm1Dbo (APP+/+APLP2-/-) controls (ctrl) with an anti-synaptophysin (Syn) antibody and alpha-bungarotoxin (AchR), showing diffused pre- and postsynaptic distribution in the ki/ki mutant. Merge, overlay of Syn and AchR images. D, quantification of the average bandwidth of AchR-positive endplates. E, higher magnification images of synapse structures showing axonal staining of Syn and poorly covered endplates by Syn and extrasynaptic Syn staining in the ki/ki mutant. Merge, overlay of Syn and AchR images. F, quantification of the percentage of AchR-positive endplates covered by Syn (average +/- S.E. of 20 endplates/genotype). ***,p < 0.001;*,p < 0.05 (Student's t test). Scale bars in A and E, 20 um; scale bar in C, 100 um. | ||||||
Copyright | This image is from Li H, J Biol Chem 2010 Oct 1;285(40):30598-605 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:166379 | ||||||
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