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Caption Abnormal ER structure and accumulation of proteins in the ER lumen. (A) EM shows the lack of zymogen granules and the grossly distended ER in Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi/Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi (Sec23bgt/gt) pancreatic acinar cells. Thin sections prepared from wild-type (WT) control and mutant pancreas from E13.5 and E16.5 embryos were observed and imaged on a transmission electron microscope. Dilated ER structure was detected as early as E13.5 in null acinar cells. These ER changes became more severe at E16.5. Arrows indicate ER. G, granule; N, nucleus. (Scale bars: lower magnification, 3 um; higher magnification, 0.5 um.). (B) Top: Immunofluorescence staining of pancreas at E18.5 with CPA (red), insulin (green), and DAPI (blue nuclei) indicates a change in localization pattern of exocrine proteins. Top right corner contains magnified image from the boxed region. Signals of CPA cluster in juxtanuclear position in mutant pancreas, whereas it is found in the outer cytoplasm in WT controls. (Scale bar: 25 um.) Middle: immunogold staining of amylase. In WT acini, gold particles are specifically enriched in zymogen granules, whereas, in mutant acinar cells, particles are scattered in the distended ER lumen. (Scale bar: 0.2 um.) Bottom: Immunogold staining of glucagon. Gold particle-positive alpha-cells are readily detected in WT pancreas, but rarely found in mutant pancreas. G, granule; N, nuclear. (Scale bar: 0.1 um).
Copyright This image is from Tao J, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Jul 17;109(29):E2001-9. Copyright 2012 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:186391
Symbol Name
Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi SEC23 homolog B, COPII coat complex component; gene trap AD0407, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi/Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi B6J.129P2-Sec23bGt(AD0407)Wtsi

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