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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Developmental defects of Ednrbs-24Pub/Ednrb+ m128-7Tpo/m128-7Tpo+ (128-7) embryos. Lateral (a and b) and frontal (c and d) views of age matched wild-type (WT) and mutant embryos at E10.5. Mutant embryos fail to complete embryonic turning; head and branchial arches are dysmorphic, and the pericardium is swollen and contains blood (b). WT embryos (c) exhibit rightward looping morphogenesis during heart development. The direction of heart looping morphogenesis is randomized in mutants. Heart looping morphogenesis is reversed in the mutant embryo (d). Embryos in (c and d) are labeled for Nkx2-5 expression to enhance visualization of the heart tube. At E10.5 the yolk sac of WT embryos (e) has formed a well-developed vasculature (arrows) compared with mutant embryos (f), which fail to form mature blood vessels in the yolk sac (arrows).
Copyright This image is from Hagarman JA, Genesis 2009 Jun;47(6):392-403, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:149893
Symbol Name
Ednrbs-24Pub endothelin receptor type B; Pu239 citrate alpha ray induced 24Pub
m128-7Tpo mutation 128-7, Timothy P O'Brien
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 101/Rl * C3H/Rl * C57BL/6J * SSL/LeJ

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