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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Scanning electron micrographs of inner (IHC) and outer (OHC) hair cells from 8 week old mice. (A-D) wild-type (Myo7a+/+), (E-L) Myo7aewaso/Myo7aewaso (Myo7aI487N/I487N) and (M-T) Myo7admbo2/Myo7admbo2 (Myo7aF947I/F947I) mice at the middle and basal cochlear level. OHC bundles of Myo7aewaso/Myo7aewaso mutants appear to have a regular V shaped array, however are missing the majority of their inner-row stereocilia at the middle level (arrow head in E). This is more severe at the basal level where many OHC bundles are missing (G). This phenotype is more severe in Myo7admbo2/Myo7admbo2 mutants, where OHC bundles are disoriented, forming an array of OHC-type bundles (M, Q, O and S). Many Myo7aewaso/Myo7aewaso IHC bundles are affected at this age, with less numbers of stereocilia within the bundle and those remaining often showing signs of fusion (asterisk in J). The IHC bundles in Myo7admbo2/Myo7admbo2 contain additional rows of stereocilia, however do still maintain a staircase-like structure (N, R, P and T). Scale bar; 2 uM.
Copyright This image is from Miller KA, PLoS One 2012;7(12):e51284, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:195666
Symbol Name
Myo7admbo2 myosin VIIA; dumbo2
Myo7aewaso myosin VIIA; ewaso
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Myo7aewaso/Myo7aewaso involves: C57BL/6J
Myo7admbo2/Myo7admbo2 involves: C57BL/6J

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