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Caption | Ctdnep1tm1Ryn/Ctdnep1tm1Ryn (Dullard-/-) embryos fail to form primordial germ cells (PGCs). (A-H) Absence of alkaline phosphatase (AP)-positive PGCs in homozygous mutant embryos at the (A, B) E7.75 neural plate stage (A', B'; higher magnification views) and (C-D) E8.5 early somite stage (C', D'; higher magnification views). (E-H) Histology of E7.5 (E, E') heterozygous and (F, F') homozygous embryos revealing the absence of AP positive cells in the endoderm of homozygous embryos while few positive cells in the mesoderm displayed (H) the characteristic staining pattern (in the cell membrane and a cytoplasmic aggregate) of PGCs in the endoderm of (G) heterozygous embryos. (I, J) Markedly reduced population of Dppa3-expressing cells in the E7.5 homozygous embryo (confocal images). (K, L") No clustering of Ifitm3-positive cells in the E7.5 homozygous embryo. (K, L; whole embryo bright-field view; K', L'; immunostaining, K", L"; high magnification views of Iftim3-positive (red) cells in the boxed areas of K' and L'; DAPI nuclear staining (blue). (M-N) Marked reduction in the numbers of Prdm1-positive cells in the E7.25 streak-stage homozygous embryo (M', N'; high magnification views of the boxed areas in M, N, respectively). (O-P") Down regulation of Ifitm1 expression in the posterior mesoderm of the E7.5 homozygous embryo [O, P, whole embryo; O', P', merged bright-field and immunofluorescence images (boxed area); O", P"; immunofluorescence image only]. (A, A', C, C', E, E', G, I, K-K", M, M', O-O") heterozygous embryos; (B, B', D, D', F, F', H, J, L-L", N, N', P-P") homozygous embryos. (E, F) Dashed lines indicate the plane of sectioning. (E', F') Dashed lines mark the basal surface of the endoderm layer. Scale bars = 100 um (A-F',K-L', M-P"), 50 um (I, J) and 25 um (K", L"). | ||||||
Copyright | This image is from Tanaka SS, PLoS One 2013;8(3):e57428, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:199855 | ||||||
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