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Caption Chronic colitis-associated tumorigenesis. Mice treated with azoxymethane (AOM) were given 2.5% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) for 1 week followed by 2 weeks of regular drinking water. The DSS and regular water treatment was repeated for three additional cycles. A) Length of colon after AOM + DSS treatment in wild-type (WT) and Fpr2tm1.2Jimw/Fpr2tm1.2Jimw (mFPR2-/-) mice. B-C. Macroscopic view of adenomas in mouse colon. D. Detection of mFPR2 in colon adenoma cells of WT mice. Colon tissues with adenoma were paraffin sectioned (5 um). The sections were stained with an anti-mFPR2 Ab followed by a biotinylated anti-Ig secondary Ab and streptavidin-HRP/DAB with hematoxylin counter staining. E. Hyperplastic polyps in the colon. F. Serrated adenomas in the colon. Left Panels: H&E stained sections of colon adenomas. Right Panels: Immunohistology of Beta-catenin in colon adenomas. Scale bar = 100 um.
Copyright This image is from Chen K, J Clin Invest 2013 Apr 1;123(4):1694-704 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:197568
Symbol Name
Fpr2tm1.2Jimw formyl peptide receptor 2; targeted mutation 1.2, Ji Ming Wang
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Fpr2tm1.2Jimw/Fpr2tm1.2Jimw involves: 129X1/SvJ

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