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Caption Axonal degeneration and neuronal loss in Ei24tm1Hzha/Ei24tm1Hzha Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln/0 (Nes Ei24f/f) mice. A, NissI staining of cortex and hippocampus of control (Nes Ei24f/+) and homozygous mutant mice at 4 months of age. The arrow indicates an enlarged lateral ventricle. Bar, 200 um. B, NissI staining of the fifth layer of the cortex. The graph shows the number of large pyramidal cells per mm2 in the indicated areas. Mean +/-S.E. of three mice is shown. Bar, 50 um. C, H&E staining of the hippocampal pyramidal cell layer. The number of pyramidal cells was quantified and divided by the length of the layer. Mean +/- S.E. of three mice is shown. Bar, 50 um. D, compared with control mice, NissI staining of the cerebrum shows large numbers of vacuolated cells (arrows) in the cingulate cortex and internal capsule of mutant mice. Bar, 50 um. E, anti-CNPase staining show that vacuolated cells are CNPase-positive oligodendroglial cellsin the cingulate cortex and internal capsule of mutant mice. Bar, 10 um. F, myelin staining by anti-CNPase exhibits irregular arranagement in the cingulate cortex in mutant mice at 4 months of age. Bar, 100 um. G, H&E staining shows that the cerebellum is less foliated (arrow) and fissured in mutant mice at 4 months. Bar, 500 um. H, thickness of the molecular layer, calculated by dividing the distance between lobules III and IV, or lobules V and VI, by 2. Mean +/- S.E. of five mice is shown. I, H&E staining of Purkinje cells in control and mutant mice. The number of Purkinje cells in lobules III, IV, and V was quantified and divided by the total length of the lobules. Mean +/- S.E. of five mice is shown. Bar, 50 um. J, anti-calbindin (green) and anti-MBP(red) co-staining reveals that mutant mice exhibit dilated calbindin-positive bulbs (arrows) in the DCN region and some of the bulbs are enwrapped by MBP-labeled myelin. Bar, 10 um. K-M, EM pictures of DCN in control and mutant mice at 4 months. K, meylinated axons of regular shape and size in the DCN region of control animals. (L-M), Degenerated axons in mutant mice. L, arrowheads indicate electron-dense amorphous structures. The arrow shows a thinned myelin sheath. M, arrowhead indicates undulated andsplit myelin lamellae. Note that the axons in the mutant sample are conspicuously less abundant than in the control. Bar, 1 um (K-M). N, number of interneurons per mm2 in the lumbar spinal cord. Mean +/- S.E. of five mice is shown. O, accumulation of vacuolated cells in the anterior horn of the lumbar spinal cord in mutant mice at 4 months. Bar, 100 um. P, GFAP signal (red), in sections of cerebral cortex immunostained with anti-GFAP antibody, is stronger in mutant mice. Bar, 20 um.
Copyright This image is from Zhao YG, J Biol Chem 2012 Dec 7;287(50):42053-63 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:193420
Symbol Name
Ei24tm1Hzha etoposide induced 2.4 mRNA; targeted mutation 1, Hong Zhang
Tg(Nes-cre)1Kln transgene insertion 1, Rudiger Klein
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * C57BL/6 * SJL

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