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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Adgrg6tm1Taki/Adgrg6tm1Taki (KO) E11.25 cardiomyocytes contain defective mitochondria. (A-C) Transmission electron micrographs displaying the ultrastructural details of cardiomyocytes in wild-type (WT) (A and C) and KO (B) hearts. (A) Mitochondria (Mi) with well-developed cristae (arrow) in WT cardiomyocytes. (B) KO cardiomyocytes contain abundant lipid droplets (Ld) and mitochondria with a more complex morphology, less well developed cristae, and electron-dense precipitates (arrowheads). (C) Glycogen (Gly) in WT cardiomyocytes. (Scale bar: 1 um).
Copyright This image is from Patra C, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Oct 15;110(42):16898-903. Copyright 2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:202002
Symbol Name
Adgrg6tm1Taki adhesion G protein-coupled receptor G6; targeted mutation 1, Tetsu Akiyama
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Adgrg6tm1Taki/Adgrg6tm1Taki involves: C57BL/6

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