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Caption Hair bundle morphology in hair cells from adult Eps8l2tm1Wma/Eps8l2tm1Wma (Eps8l2 KO) mice. (A- F) SEM showing the typical hair bundle structure from apical-coil inner hair cells (IHCs) and outer hair cells (OHCs) in control (A, C, and E) and mutant (B, D, and F) mice of increasing age (1, 3, and 8 months). Note that generally, hair bundles are composed of three rows of stereocilia: tall, intermediate, and short. (Scale bars, 2 um; different magnifications have been used in all panels.) Arrowheads indicate missing stereocilia. Arrows indicate some misplaced tall stereocilia. (G and H) Low-magnification SEM images showing hair bundles from IHCs and OHCs located at two different frequency regions along the cochlea (~4 and ~15 kHz, respectively) of mutant mice at 8 mo. (Scale bar, 10 um.) Note that the number of missing OHC hair bundles at ~15 kHz is greater than that at ~4 kHz. (I) SEM images showing the shape of intermediate stereocilia in control and mutant P90 IHCs. Note that in the mutants, the intermediate stereocilia were thinner than those in controls and have a bulbous widening at various distances along the shafts (asterisks mark stereocilia with abnormal shape). (Scale bars, 2 um.) (J and K) Distribution of stereocilia height in three control and four mutant IHCs. Note that mutant IHCs showed a reduced height of the taller stereocilia and a less defined separation between the three stereocilia rows. (L) Stereociliary width of intermediate stereocilia in control and mutant IHC hair bundles (each average was obtained from about 20 stereocilia from four IHC hair bundles). The width was measured at ~20% from the tip of the stereocilia, which corresponds to the widest section in control stereocilia.
Copyright This image is fromFurness DN, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Aug 20;110(34):13898-903. Copyright2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:200669
Symbol Name
Eps8l2tm1Wma EPS8-like 2; targeted mutation 1, Walter Marcotti
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Eps8l2tm1Wma/Eps8l2tm1Wma B6.129P2-Eps8l2tm1Wma

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