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Caption Impaired muscle regeneration in Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl (Gasp1-/-), Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl (Gasp2-/-), and Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl (Gasp1-/-;Gasp2-/-) mice after cardiotoxin (CTX) injury. Gastrocnemius muscles at various days after CTX injury were analyzed by H&E, von Kossa (to highlight calcified fibers), and Masson trichrome (to highlight areas of fibrosis) staining. Severe myofiber degeneration, accompanied by extensive calcifications, is observed in Gasp2-/- and Gasp1-/-; Gasp2-/- mice as early as 3 d after injury, and extensive areas of fibrosis are seen in Gasp1-/-, Gasp2-/-, and Gasp1-/-;Gasp2-/- mice by 14 days after injury. These abnormalities persisted at 28 days after injury. Please note that the figure is a composite of images taken from representative stained sections prepared from the individual experimental groups as indicated.
Copyright This image is from Lee YS, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Sep 24;110(39):E3713-22. Copyright 2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:201148
Symbol Name
Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl WAP, FS, Ig, KU, and NTR-containing protein 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Sejin Lee
Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl WAP, follistatin/kazal, immunoglobulin, kunitz and netrin domain containing 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Sejin Lee
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn2tm1.1Sjl involves: 129 * C57BL/6
involves: 129 * C57BL/6
Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl/Wfikkn1tm1.1Sjl involves: 129 * C57BL/6

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