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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Stained cochlear sections and SEM reveal hair cell loss and altered morphology in Atoh1trhl/Atoh1trhl (trhl/trhl) mice. Representative cochlear sections from homozygous mutant and control heterozygous mice were stained with AgNO3 to examine outer hair cells (OHC) and inner hair cells (IHC) morphology. (A) At P21, sections were compared from all three turns of the cochleae in heterozygous (n = 3, representative view of heterozygote, upper panels) and homozygous (n = 3, representative view, lower panels) mutant mice. Arrows indicate sites of OHC absence; arrowhead/triangles indicate sites of IHC absence. (B) At P21, representative comparative high magnification views of sections from homozygous mutant mice and heterozygous controls are shown from the mid-turns of the cochleae, which showed the greatest degree of hair-cell loss. Arrows indicate orientation of the stereociliary bundles. The disorientation is clear in the homozygous mice with arrows aligned much less uniformly than in the control. (C) Cochleae were analyzed under the scanning electron microscope to reveal a more detailed view of stereociliary bundle orientation. The hair-cell bundle appears as a light-colored, V-shaped (normal morphology, seen in the top panel) band within each hair cell. The lower panel shows the disorientation of bundles and missing hair cells in the homozygous mutant mice in contrast to the consistent structure of bundles in heterozygous control mice.
Copyright This image is from Sheykholeslami K, PLoS One 2013;8(11):e79791, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:209662
Symbol Name
Atoh1trhl atonal bHLH transcription factor 1; trembling with hearing loss
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Atoh1trhl/Atoh1trhl B6.Cg-Atoh1trhl

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