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Caption Bone histomorphometry in Tg(Col1a1-tTA)139Niss/0 Tg(tetO-HTR4*D100A)7Niss/0 (Coll(2.3)+/Rs1+) mice. (A and B) Von Kossa/tetrachrome staining of femurs at 9 weeks of age shows disorganized trabeculi and a population of uniform cells replacing the normal bone marrow cavity in double transgenic mice. (C and D) Bone-mineral apposition was assessed by dual fluorochrome labeling with calcein (green) and xylenol orange (orange), injected 5 days apart. The disordered growth pattern in the mutant mice prevented accurate measurement of bone formation rates. (E and F) TRAP staining (red) suggests increased osteoclast activity consistent with the increased bone surface. (Scale bars, 50um.)
Copyright This image is from Hsiao EC, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2008 Jan 29;105(4):1209-14. Copyright 2008 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:131617
Symbol Name
Tg(Col1a1-tTA)139Niss transgene insertion 139, Robert Nissenson
Tg(tetO-HTR4*D100A)7Niss transgene insertion 7, Robert A Nissenson
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
FVB/N-Tg(Col1a1-tTA)139Niss Tg(tetO-HTR4*D100A)7Niss

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