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Caption Hypomyelination in Sox10gt/Sox10gt (gt/gt) brains. a-d: Luxol fast blue staining on P15 (a, b) and P21 (c, d) wild-type (WT) (a, c) and gt/gt mutant (b, d) cerebellum sections shows greatly reduced staining, indicating reduced myelin lipoproteins, in mutant mice. Scale bars 10 um. e-j: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) for myelin basic protein (MBP) (blue DAB staining) on P15 brain sections shows similar levels of staining in WT (e-g) and mutant (h-j) hippocampus (e, h), thalamus (e, f, h, i) and cerebellum (g, j). cc - corpus callosum. Scale bars e, h: 20 um; f, i: 10 um; g, j: 5 um. k-p IHC on P21 WT (k-m) and mutant (n-p) brain sections shows reduced levels of MBP (NovaRed staining) in the cortex and corpus callosum (k, n), thalamic white matter (l, o) and cerebellum (m, p). cc - corpus callosum, wm - cerebellar white matter. Scale bars 10 um.
Copyright This image is from Anderson SR, Mamm Genome 2014 Nov 16;(): and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:216967
Symbol Name
Sox10gt SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 10; gray tremor
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Sox10gt/Sox10gt GT/Le
Sox10gt/Sox10gt involves: C57BL/6 * GT/Le

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