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Caption Gng5tm1.1Rbs/mgi:5629569 (Gng5-/-) mutants show loss of second heart field and reduced expression of proliferative markers. Panels A-C, control and mutant embryos stained for Fgf8 expression in the second heart field. As shown by in situ hybridization for Fgf8 transcripts, the E8.5 control embryo (A) displays numerous pharyngeal mesodermal cells exhibiting Fgf8 expression (brown staining; black arrowheads). These cells represent progenitors of the right ventricle (RV) and outflow tract (OFT) that reside dorsal to the heart. Fgf8 expression is also detected in the lateral pharyngeal endoderm (En) and pharyngeal ectoderm (Ec). In stark contrast, the mutants (B,C) have fewer pharyngeal mesoderm cells and reduced Fgf8 expression in this region. The red arrow (B) indicates the most rostral portion of heart tube and the absence of OFT; the black arrowhead denotes absent Fgf8 expression in the thin layer of pharyngeal mesoderm dorsal to the heart. In a more caudal section (C), the heart tube (HT) is visible and faint Fgf8 expression is detected in the mesoderm adjacent to the heart tube (black arrowhead) and in the most proximal portion of the left side of the heart tube and adjacent mesoderm (red arrowhead). HF, head fold, P, pharynx; En, endoderm; Ec, ectoderm.
Copyright This image is from Moon AM, PLoS One 2014;9(3):e90970, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:215128
Symbol Name
Gng5tm1.1Rbs G protein subunit gamma 5; targeted mutation 1.1, Janet D Robishaw
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Gng5tm1.1Rbs/Gng5tm1.1Rbs B6J.Cg-Gng5tm1.1Rbs

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