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Caption Increase of cortical bone thickness and enhancement of osteocyte network in Cxxc5tm1Kych/Cxxc5tm1Kych (CXXC5-/-) mice. (a and b) Light microscopic photographs showing H&E-stained femur longitudinal sections (a; scale bars, 1 mm) and magnified images of cortical bones in the boxed area (b; scale bars, 200 um). (c-f) Horizontal femoral sections of the mice were subjected to immunofluorescence (IF) analyses to visualize Beta-catenin (c; red) or DMP-1 (c and d; green and red, respectively). Scale bars, 40 and 20 um for c and d, respectively. The number and length of osteocyte dendrites are shown in e and f, respectively. (g and h) After calcein injection, the prepared femoral sections were subjected to IF analyses to visualize the integrated calcein (green). The dotted lines indicate the cortical bone surfaces. CB, cortical bone. BM, bone marrow (g; scale bar, 100 um). The migration distances of integrated calcein from the surface were measured, and the mineral apposition rates (MARs) were calculated (h). Cell nuclei were counterstained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (c, d, g; blue). The data are displayed as the mean S.D. (error bars). Significance was assessed using Kruskal-Wallis test; *P<0.05 and **P<0.01.
Copyright This image is from Kim HY, Cell Death Differ 2015 Jun;22(6):912-20 and is displayed with the permission of The Nature Publishing Group who owns the Copyright. J:226604
Symbol Name
Cxxc5tm1Kych CXXC finger 5; targeted mutation 1, Kang-Yell Choi
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cxxc5tm1Kych/Cxxc5tm1Kych involves: 129S1/Sv

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