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Caption Deletion of EHD4 leads to an increase in apoptosis at d10 and d31 in Ehd4tm1.1Haba/Ehd4tm1.1Haba testis. Testis sections from d10, d20, and d31 wild-type (WT, Edh4+/+) and mutant (Edh4-/-) male mice were subjected to TUNEL assay. Panels (a-c) represent confocal images from d10, d20, and d31 WT testis, respectively, while panels (d-f) represent confocal images from d10, d20, and d31 mutant testis, respectively. Images covering the entire testis section were acquired for eight testis sections per time point and (g) apoptotic nuclei were counted. (h) 40X objective images of PAS-stained d10 testis from WT and mutant mice. Arrows point to apoptotic bodies. Bar = 20 um.
Copyright This image is from George M, Genesis 2010 May;48(5):328-42, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:160188
Symbol Name
Ehd4tm1.1Haba EH-domain containing 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Hamid Band
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Ehd4tm1.1Haba/Ehd4tm1.1Haba involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J * FVB/N

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