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Caption Rnf8 is a novel tumor suppressor. Rnf8Gt(AS0574)Wtsi/Rnf8Gt(AS0574)Wtsi and Rnf8Gt(RRR260)Byg/Rnf8Gt(RRR260)Byg mice develop various tumors. (B) Sarcoma invading soft tissues, including skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and a peripheral nerve, is shown. (B). High magnification shows that the tumor is poorly differentiated and has a high proliferative index and atypical mitosis (C). (D) Malignant transformation of the mammary gland with a multinodular growth pattern and invasion into adjacent connective tissues. The tumor is well vascularized and shows no necrosis. (E) A higher magnification shows that tumor cells are growing in small groups, with prominent mitosis and invasion. (F) A tumor composed of small cells with round, sometimes eccentric nuclei and small cytoplasm, is compatible with a lymphoma of B cell origin. (G) Despite its well differentiated appearance, this tumor aggressively infiltrates the periportal areas of the liver. Bars: (B) 100 um; (C, E, and F) 25 um; (D) 250 um; (G) 50 um.
Copyright This image is from Li L, J Exp Med 2010 May 10;207(5):983-97, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:161240
Symbol Name
Rnf8Gt(AS0574)Wtsi ring finger protein 8; gene trap AS0574, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Rnf8Gt(RRR260)Byg ring finger protein 8; gene trap RRR260, BayGenomics
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Rnf8Gt(RRR260)Byg/Rnf8Gt(RRR260)Byg involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6
Rnf8Gt(AS0574)Wtsi/Rnf8Gt(AS0574)Wtsi involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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