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Caption Distal ureter maturation defects in Ptprstm1Mtr/Ptprstm1Mtr Ptprftm1Wjh/Ptprftm1Wjh (Ptprs-/-;PtprfdeltaP/deltaP) embryos. Top: Diagrams of wild-type (WT) E11.5-E15.5 urogenital systems. (A-H) H&E-stained sagittal sections of representative control (A-D) and double mutant urogenital systems (E-H) at different developmental stages. At E11.5, no difference in common nephric duct (CND) length was observed between control (A) and mutant embryos (E). CND length is indicated by dotted lines, distal ureter is indicated by solid lines. At E13.5 (B and F) and E14.5 (C and G), the distal ureter was in close apposition with the bladder epithelium in control embryos (B and C). In contrast, mutant embryos harbored a distal ureter located away from the bladder (F and G). (D and H) At E15.5, distal ureter elimination allowed the ureter to reconnect into bladder (dotted white circle) in a normal control (D), while the distal ureter remained at a distance from the bladder epithelium in mutant embryos (H). (I) Length of CNDs was quantified at different developmental stages. Although there was no difference in CND lengths at E11.5, the CND was significantly longer in the mutant at E12.5 and E13.5. Error bars indicate SEM. (J-M) In situ hybridization on E12.5 transversal sections using antisense cRNA probes against Ptprf (J), Ptprs (K), Ptprd (L), and a sense probe against Ptprs (M). (J) Ptprf expression was mostly restricted to the CND, while Ptprs expression was detected ubiquitously in the mesenchyme and cloaca epithelium (K). (L) Ptprd was predominantly expressed in the mesenchyme. (M) A sense Ptprs probe was used as negative control. Scale bars: 10 um. ND, nephric duct; dUr, distal ureter; CE, cloaca epithelium.
Copyright This image is from Uetani N, J Clin Invest 2009 Apr;119(4):924-35 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:149756
Symbol Name
Ptprftm1Wjh protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type F; targeted mutation 1, Wiljan JAJ Hendriks
Ptprstm1Mtr protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type S; targeted mutation 1, Michel L Tremblay
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
B6.Cg-Ptprftm1Wjh Ptprstm1Mtr

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