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Caption Apoptotic cell death analysis in common nephric duct (CND) in control and Ptprstm1Mtr/Ptprstm1Mtr Ptprftm1Wjh/Ptprftm1Wjh (Ptprs-/-;PtprfdeltaP/deltaP) mice. (A) Schematic representation of sagittal view of a urogenital system at E12.5. Dotted lines indicate the position of sections shown in B-G. (B-G) TUNEL stain (red) and anti-Pax2 counterstain (green) on transverse sections of E12.5 embryos derived from control (B-D) and mutant embryos (E-G). CNDs were separated into 3 sections: rostral CND (closest to ureter), middle CND, and caudal CND (closest to bladder). (H) Schematic representation of sagittal view of normal urogenital system at E14.0. (I and J) TUNEL stain (red) and anti-Pax2 counterstain (green) on sagittal sections of E14.0 control (I) and mutant (J) urogenital systems. Dotted lines outline the cloaca epithelium. (K-M) Quantitative analysis of the cell death observed in control and mutant CNDs. (K) Control embryos showed a strong increase in apoptosis along the rostrocaudal axis of the CND (TUNEL-positive/Pax-2-positive; n = 8 CNDs). In contrast, mutant embryos showed a reduction in apoptotic cell death (n = 8 CNDs). (L) Quantitative analysis of caspase-3-positive cells showed a reduction in activated caspase-3-positive signals in the middle and caudal CND of mutant embryos (n = 4 CNDs for each genotype). (M) Quantitative analysis of activated caspase-8-positive cells. No significant difference was detected between control and mutant embryos (n = 6 CNDs for each genotype). Scale bars: 10 um. The results shown are means SD.
Copyright This image is from Uetani N, J Clin Invest 2009 Apr;119(4):924-35 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:149756
Symbol Name
Ptprftm1Wjh protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type F; targeted mutation 1, Wiljan JAJ Hendriks
Ptprstm1Mtr protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type S; targeted mutation 1, Michel L Tremblay
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
B6.Cg-Ptprftm1Wjh Ptprstm1Mtr

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