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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Hematoxylin and eosin staining of bladder sections of wild-type (WT), Ptentm2Mak/Ptentm2Mak Tg(Cyp1a1-cre/ERT)1Dwi/0 (Ptenfl/fl), Stk11tm1Keis/Stk11tm1Keis Tg(Cyp1a1-cre/ERT)1Dwi/0 (Lkb1fl/fl), and Ptentm2Mak/Ptentm2Mak Stk11tm1Keis/Stk11tm1Keis Tg(Cyp1a1-cre/ERT)1Dwi/0 (Pten/Lkb1fl/fl) mice (both treated and non-treated with rapamycin) at day 100 following a combined injection with beta-naphthoflavone and tamoxifen. Lkb1/Pten-deficient bladders show abnormal growth of urothelium which is suppressed by rapamycin. Scale bars correspond to 400 um (left column), 100 um (middle column) and 20 um (right column).
Copyright This image is from Shorning BY, PLoS One 2011;6(1):e16209, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:169565
Symbol Name
Ptentm2Mak phosphatase and tensin homolog; targeted mutation 2, Tak W Mak
Stk11tm1Keis serine/threonine kinase 11; targeted mutation 1, Kei Sakamoto
Tg(Cyp1a1-cre/ERT)1Dwi transgene insertion 1, Douglas J Winton
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6 * C57BL/6J * CBA

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