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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Representative images of the lungs and hearts (top and middle, respectively), and histological cross-sections of the hearts (H&E staining, bottom) of the Npr1tm1.1Kkan/Npr1tm1.1Kkan (GC-Aflox/flox; control) and Npr1tm1.1Kkan/Npr1tm1.1Kkan Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa/0 (EC GC-A-KO) mice after injection of B16/F10 cells (2 X 105 cells per mouse). The mice were killed 2 weeks after the injection of the tumor cells. (Scale bars, 500 um.) Red arrows indicate metastasis in the heart.
Copyright This image is from Nojiri T, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015 Mar 31;112(13):4086-91. Copyright 2015 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:220676
Symbol Name
Npr1tm1.1Kkan natriuretic peptide receptor 1; targeted mutation 1.1, Kenji Kangawa
Tg(Tek-cre)1Ywa transgene insertion 1, Masashi Yanagisawa
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: C57BL/6 * C57BL/6NCrlj * CBA/JNCrlj * SJL

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