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Caption Smad4 deficiency enhances TGFalpha-induced histological changes. The Smad4tm1.1Gsu/Smad4tm1.1Gsu Ptf1atm1.1(cre)Cvw/Ptf1a+ Tg(MtTGFA)Lmb/0 (STP) mice displayed similar but more pronounced architectural changes in the pancreata than the Tg(MtTGFA)Lmb/0 (MT-TGFalpha) mice, while no apparent change was detected in the pancreata of Smad4tm1.1Gsu/Smad4tm1.1Gsu Ptf1atm1.1(cre)Cvw/Ptf1a+ (S4) mice. The loss of Smad4 expression in the ductal epithelial cells was confirmed in the S4 and STP mice by immunohistochemistry (IHC). Histological sections from 8-months of zinc sulfate treated S4 (panels i, ii), MT-TGFalpha (panels iii, iv) and STP (panels v, vi) mice stained with H&E (panels i, iii, v); with antibodies to Smad4 (panels ii, iv, vi). Magnifications: panels 100x/200x; insets 400x.
Copyright This image is from Garcia-Carracedo D, PLoS One 2015;10(3):e0120851, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:229184
Symbol Name
Ptf1atm1.1(cre)Cvw pancreas specific transcription factor, 1a; targeted mutation 1.1, Christopher VE Wright
Smad4tm1.1Gsu SMAD family member 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Gloria H Su
Tg(MtTGFA)Lmb transgene insertion, Glenn Merlino
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * CD-1
Tg(MtTGFA)Lmb/0 involves: CD-1

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