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Caption Characterization of osteosarcoma (OSA) in Tg(Bglap2-TAg)1Rkho/0 (MOTO) mice. Gross images of tumors in (A) femur, (B) spine, (C) skull (arrows), and (D) ribs. (E-I) Paraffin sections of osteoblastic tumors: (E) Aggressive skull tumor with cortical destruction (stained with H&E), (F) humerus with parosteal tumors (arrows) with lesions that are continuous with cortex (open arrow) or within the medulla (open arrowhead) (stained with H&E), (G) tumor with cellular atypia (stained with H&E), and (H) Masson's trichrome-stained collagen-rich osteoid. (I) Alkaline phosphatase staining shows osteoblast specificity. Spontaneous OSA metastases: (J, K, and M) Lung metastases are approximately 1-2 mm, disc shaped, and superficial, (N, O, and Q) while liver metastases are up to 8 mm, spherical, and (O) embedded deeper in the parenchyma (stained with H&E). (K) Masson's trichrome-stained collagen shows the osteoblastic nature of metastases. (M and Q) The prominent disorganized collagen in the metastases can be visualized by the second harmonic signal that it generates (green). The red signal is autofluorescence of cellular proteins. (L) WT lung and (P) liver are shown for comparison. Scale bars: 1 mm (E, F, and O); 150 um (K); 50 um (G-I, K, inset, L, M, P, and Q).
Copyright This image is from Molyneux SD, J Clin Invest 2010 Sep 1;120(9):3310-25 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:165282
Symbol Name
Tg(Bglap2-TAg)1Rkho transgene insertion 1, Rama Khokha
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tg(Bglap2-TAg)1Rkho/0 FVB/N-Tg(Bglap2-TAg)1Rkho

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