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Caption Examples of stapes from the backcross mice, all Fgfr1Hspy/Fgfr1+ mice. A) The most modified stapes. Both crura appear relatively normal (score 1). B) Stapes with thinner than normal posterior crus (score 2). C) Posterior crus is quite thin in the middle and may be lacking bone in the centre (score 3). D) Posterior crus lacks bone in the middle but tissue is still present forming a very thin link (score 4). E) Posterior crus is missing but the stapedial muscle attachment is present at the top right (score 5). F) Posterior crus is missing, including the stapedial muscle attachment but anterior crus appears normal (score 6). G) Posterior crus completely missing. Anterior crus is affected and appears thin and often more widely splayed than normal (score 7). H) Stapes is bony through area between crura. The stapedial artery did not pass through the stapes (score 8). This feature was rarely seen (n = 4 ears), and as it appeared to be qualitatively different to the other stapes defects, it was not included in subsequent analyses. I) Diagram to illustrate the backcross used to map the modifier.
Copyright This image is from Calvert JA, Mamm Genome 2011 Jun;22(5-6):290-305 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:171915
Symbol Name
Fgfr1Hspy fibroblast growth factor receptor 1; hush puppy
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Fgfr1Hspy/Fgfr1+ C3HeB/FeJ-Fgfr1Hspy

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