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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption No radial granule cell migration in Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd/Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd cerebellar cortex. (a-c) Sagittal paraffin sections of P5 (a, b), P7 (c), P9 and P11 section stained with H&E showing development of Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd/Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd cerebellar cortex during the period of radial granule cell migration. Note the multiple flattened radially oriented cells in the nascent molecular layer of wild-type (WT) (arrows in b and c) but not in mutant cerebellar cortex. (d) Plot of density of flattened radially oriented cells (mean s.e., N.10) in the molecular layer (WT mice) or the mixed molecular/granular layer (mutant) extending from the Purkinje cell layer up to 20 um below the pial surface. Scale Bars: 200 um (a), 50 um (b), 20 um (c).
Copyright This image is from Jaarsma D, Nat Commun 2014;5():3411, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:210236
Symbol Name
Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd BICD cargo adaptor 2; targeted mutation 1.1, Casper Hoogenraad
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd/Bicd2tm1.1Hgrd involves: C57BL/6

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