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Caption Wounding can induce de novo arteriovenous malformation in Acvrl1tm2.1Spo/Acvrl1tm2.1Spo Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Nat/Gt(ROSA)26Sor+ adult mice. Vascular patterns shown by latex dye injected into the left heart of control (A, C, and E) and mutant (B, D, and F) mice bearing wounds in the ear (A and B) or dorsal skin (C-F), 8 days after tamoxifen (TM) injection. The images were taken after clearing in organic solvents. The center of the wound is indicated by an asterisk. Note that only mutant mice developed arteriovenous (AV) shunts, shown by the presence of latex dye in both arteries and veins. AV shunting and abnormal vascular morphologies were apparent only in the wound areas. Blood vessels away from the wound, indicated by arrows with asterisks (B and D), showed normal appearance. Inset in D shows a magnified view of AV fistulas formed in the rim area of the mutant wound. Arteries and veins are marked by red and light blue lines, respectively, and the AV anastomoses by yellow lines. (E and F) The images in C and D were processed to quantify the area of blood vessels containing the latex dye in the given area. All figure panels are at the same magnification. Scale bars: 5 mm (A); 2 mm (insets in A and B); 1 mm (inset in D).
Copyright This image is from Park SO, J Clin Invest 2009 Nov;119(11):3487-96 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Clinical Investigation who owns the Copyright. J:154620
Symbol Name
Acvrl1tm2.1Spo activin A receptor, type II-like 1; targeted mutation 2.1, S Paul Oh
Gt(ROSA)26Sortm1(cre/ERT)Nat gene trap ROSA 26, Philippe Soriano; targeted mutation 1, Jeremy Nathans
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129 * 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ

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