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Caption Neural progenitor proliferation and neurogenesis are altered in Wdfy3disc/Wdfy3disc (disc/disc) embryos. (a) Immunofluorescent analysis of Pax6 expression in the neocortical neuroepithelium at E12.5 and E14.5. Yellow dashed lines in the E12.5 brains outline the measured area of the Pax6+ ventricular zone (VZ). Red lines at E14.5 highlight the lateral thinning of the VZ. (e-g) Immunofluorescent area and density analysis of Tbr2+ intermediate progenitors reveal significant reductions in both domains. (i) A 24 hour EdU pulse-chase assay reveals a reduction in total neuronal output (EdU+/Ki67- cells basal to the subventricular zone [SVZ]) per hemisphere but an increase in the Q-fraction of cells that have exited the cell cycle. (k) Representative coronal sections of mediolateral cortex illustrate the outcome of time-shifted dual thymidine-labelling experiment and the distribution of EdU-, BrdU- and Ki67-labelled cells at E13.5. CP; Cx; IZ, intermediate zone; LV, lateral ventricles; Th, thalamus. Scale bar in a is 200 um, in e 100 um, in g 20 um, in i 100 um and 50 um, and in k 20 um.
Copyright This image is from Orosco LA, Nat Commun 2014;5():4692, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:225200
Symbol Name
Wdfy3disc WD repeat and FYVE domain containing 3; disconnected
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Wdfy3disc/Wdfy3disc involves: C57BL/6J * FVB/NJ

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