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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Embryonic lethality in double Nhej1tm1Fwa (Xlf-) and Paxxem1Spj (Paxx-) homozygotes. Embryos from timed mating were isolated at the indicated stage of embryonic development, imaged for morphological assessment, and genotyped by PCR from the yolk sacs or tail snips. (A) Representative images of Nhej1tm1Fwa/Nhej1tm1Fwa and Paxxem1Spj/Paxxem1Spj Nhej1tm1Fwa/Nhej1tm1Fwa E10.5 littermate embryos. (D) Representative images of mutant and double mutant E14.5 littermate embryos. (G) Representative images of Nhej1tm1Fwa/Nhej1tm1Fwa (left) and double mutant E18.5 littermate embryos. (I) Representative images of thymi and spleens of E18.5 live embryos.
Copyright This image is from Balmus G, Genes Dev 2016 Oct 1;30(19):2152-2157, and is displayed with the permission of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, who owns the Copyright. J:236776
Symbol Name
Nhej1tm1Fwa non-homologous end joining factor 1; targeted mutation 1, Frederick W Alt
Paxxem1Spj non-homologous end joining factor; endonuclease-mediated mutation 1, Stephen P Jackson
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: 129S6/SvEvTac * C57BL/6NTac

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