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Caption Defective lymphatic sprouting in Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2+ Flt4tm1Ali/Flt4+ mice. (A-C) Confocal images of LYVE-1-stained lymph vasculature in the dorsal trunk skin at P0. Note enlarged, poorly branched vessels in Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2+ Flt4tm1Ali/ Flt4+ (nrp2+/- vegfr3+/-) (B) and Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2tm1Ddg (nrp2-/-) (C) compared with wild type (WT) (A). Several lymphatic tips are present in WT (A, arrows), none are present in Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2+ Flt4tm1Ali/Flt4+ (nrp2+/- vegfr3+/-) (B), and one is present in Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2tm1Ddg (nrp2-/-) (C, arrow). (D-F) LYVE-1 (green)/phosphohistone H3 (red) DAPI (blue) staining of P0 skin; high magnification views of lymphatic tips are shown. Note filopodial-extending tips composed of several cells in WT (D), whereas both Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2+ Flt4tm1Ali/Flt4+ (nrp2+/- vegfr3+/-) (E) and Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2tm1Ddg (nrp2-/-) (F) show blunt-ended, enlarged tips devoid of filopodial extensions. (G and H) CD31 staining shows similar patterning of blood vasculature in the skin of mice with the indicated genotypes. A, arteries; V, veins. (I) Dorsal trunk skin at P0 in a Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2tm1Ddg Flt4tm1Ali/Flt4+ (nrp2-/- vegfr3+/-) mouse. Note enlarged lymphatic vessel. (J) Quantification of lymphatic vessel branch points in mice of the indicated genotypes. (K) Replication of LECs. The number of phosphohistone H3 (PH3)-positive nuclei per millimeter squared of LYVE-1-positive vessels was counted. WT, wild type. Error bars indicate SEM. **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Bars: (A-C) 200 um; (D-F) 50 um; (G-I) 200 um.
Copyright This image is from Xu Y, J Cell Biol 2010 Jan 11;188(1):115-30, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:156869
Symbol Name
Flt4tm1Ali FMS-like tyrosine kinase 4; targeted mutation 1, Kari Alitalo
Nrp2tm1Ddg neuropilin 2; targeted mutation 1, David D Ginty
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
involves: C57BL/6
Nrp2tm1Ddg/Nrp2tm1Ddg involves: C57BL/6

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