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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Hypoplasia in the myocardium of Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi/Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi (Casz1betageo/betageo) heart. (A) Phenotype of wild-type (WT), Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi/Casz1+, and Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi/Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi E15.5 embryos. The edema was seen at the neck region on the back of mutant embryos but not other embryos (green arrow). B-D, column 1, H&E staining of transverse sections of E15.5 WT (B1), heterozygous (C1), and homozygous mutant (D1) embryos. Column 2, right ventricle (RV) magnification of the respective green squares from column 1. Column 3, septum (SP) magnification of respective yellow squares from column 1. Column 4, left ventricle (LV) magnification of respective blue squares from column 1. E, representative photomicrographs indicate accumulation of blood cells in the liver of the mutant embryo (right panel) but not in the WT (left panel) or heterozygous (middle panel) embryo.
Copyright This image is from Liu Z, J Biol Chem 2014 Oct 24;289(43):29801-16 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:242127
Symbol Name
Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi castor zinc finger 1; gene trap CJ0565, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi/Casz1Gt(CJ0565)Wtsi involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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