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Caption Developmental heart defects in Cyp51tm1.1Bfro/Cyp51tm1.1Bfro embryos. A, sagittal and transverse section of wild-type (WT, +/+) and Cyp51tm1.1Bfro/Cyp51tm1.1Bfro (-/-) embryos at E14.5 shows enlarged jugular lymph sac. B, high power magnification of jugular lymph sac endothelial lining. Endothelial cells of jugular lymph sacs appeared normal, whereas the number of surrounding smooth muscle cells was largely increased. C, whole mount hearts at E14.5 show normal positioning of aorta and pulmonary trunk, dilation of the atria, and a very prominent interventricular groove in mutant embryos. D, histological sections of WT and mutant embryo hearts at E12.5-E14.5. Note the hypoplastic development of the myocardium and the prominent endocardial cushions in mutant embryos. E, transverse sections of E14.5 hearts displaying the ventricular septum defect (arrow). F, high-power magnification of the heart of E12.5 and E14.5 WT and mutant embryos. Note the reduction in the compacted layer of the myocardium at E14.5 (arrows) and the partially detached or missing epicardial cell lining in the knock-out animals. Scale bars indicate 1 mm in A and 100 um in B-F.
Copyright This image is from Keber R, J Biol Chem 2011 Jun 25;(): and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:173366
Symbol Name
Cyp51tm1.1Bfro cytochrome P450, family 51; targeted mutation 1.1, Simon Horvat
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Cyp51tm1.1Bfro/Cyp51tm1.1Bfro involves: 129P2/OlaHsd * C57BL/6

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