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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:229383 Serth K, et al., BMC Genet. 2015;16:143
Caption a-l: RNA in situ hybridizations of sagittal sections of wild type E15.5 embryos. nephrons (Ne, a); cortical region of kidney (Ki, a, b); ureter epithelium (Ur, a); mesonephric duct (MeDu, b); bladder epithelium (Bl, c); cortical region of testis (Te, b); seminiferous tubules (SeTu, b); lung epithelium (Lu, d, e); bronchus (Br, e); cochlea epithelium (Co, f); tympanic cavity epithelium (TyCa, f); nasopharynx epithelium (NaPh, g); lens (Le, h); optic nerve (OpNe, h); primordia of follicles of vibrissae (FoVi, j); ducts of submandibular gland (SuGl, i); thymus gland (ThymGl, k); thyroid gland (ThyrGl, k); exocrine acini of pancreatic primordium (Pa, l); gut epithelium and wall (Gu, l).
This image is from Serth K, BMC Genet 2015;16():143, an open-access article, licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
a MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
b MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
c MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
d MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
e MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
f MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
g MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
h MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
i MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
j MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
k MGI:6198314 (Etl4)
l MGI:6198314 (Etl4)

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