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Gene Expression Image Detail
J:196288 Nechiporuk T, et al., Dev Biol. 2013 May 15;377(2):375-84
Caption (A, A') Immunofluorescent staining of E14.5 lung sections from wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- embryos. (B-E',G,G') Immunofluorescent stainings of E15.5 lung sections from wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- embryos. Boxed areas in C, C' are shown with split channels in D-E'. (F,G inset) Western blot analysis of total protein extracts from E15.5 wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- lungs. (H) qRT-PCR analysis of indicated gene expression in E13.5 wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- lungs. (I-J',N,N') Immunofluorescent staining of newborn (P0) lung sections from wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- pups. (L) Western blot analysis of total protein extracts from E17.5 and P0 wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- lungs. (M) qRT-PCR analysis of indicated gene expression in P0 wild-type (Ctrl) and Dlg5-/- lungs. Bar in A represents 1 mm in A, A', 0.4 mm in B, B', G, G', I, J', N, N', 100 mm in C-E'.
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier from 10.1016/j.ydbio.2013.02.019 Dev Biol 377: 375-84, Nechiporuk T; Klezovitch O; Nguyen L; Vasioukhin V, Dlg5 maintains apical aPKC and regulates progenitor differentiation during lung morphogenesis. Copyright 2013
Label Assay & Result Details (Gene Symbol) Spatial Mapping
A MGI:6203004 (Sox2)
A' MGI:6203004 (Sox2)
B MGI:6203006 (Pecam1)
B' MGI:6203006 (Pecam1)
C MGI:6203010 (Pdpn) MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
C' MGI:6203010 (Pdpn) MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
D MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
D' MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
E MGI:6203010 (Pdpn)
E' MGI:6203010 (Pdpn)
F Dlg5 MGI:6203050 (Dlg5)
F E-cad MGI:6203051 (Cdh1)
F Ker 8 MGI:6203052 (Krt8)
F FoxJ1 MGI:6203053 (Foxj1)
F Sox2 MGI:6203054 (Sox2)
F Sox9 MGI:6203055 (Sox9)
G MGI:6203098 (Des) MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
G' MGI:6203098 (Des) MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
G inset MGI:6203056 (Des)
H T1a MGI:6203058 (Pdpn)
H VEGF MGI:6203074 (Vegfa)
H proSPC MGI:6203059 (Sftpc)
H Pecam MGI:6203060 (Pecam1)
I MGI:6203075 (Aqp5)
I' MGI:6203075 (Aqp5)
J MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
J' MGI:6203011 (Sftpc)
L proSPC MGI:6203089 (Sftpc)
L CCSP MGI:6203090 (Scgb1a1)
L T1a MGI:6203091 (Pdpn)
M T1a MGI:6203092 (Pdpn)
M VEGF MGI:6203093 (Vegfa)
M proSPC MGI:6203094 (Sftpc)
M Pecam MGI:6203095 (Pecam1)
N MGI:6203096 (Scgb1a1)
N' MGI:6203096 (Scgb1a1)

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