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Phenotype Image Detail
Caption Left-right asymmetric defects in Megf8hlb611/Megf8hlb611 embryos. (A) A mutant embryo exhibits dextracardia, as indicated by the heart apex pointing to the right side of the chest cavity. Transposition of the great arteries is also seen with the aorta (A) positioned anterior to the pulmonary artery (P). (B) Mutants typically exhibit 4 lung lobes bilaterally (viewed ventrally), indicating right pulmonary isomerism. H, heart. (C) A mutant with stomach (S) on the right side of the abdominal cavity. (D-F) A normal D-loop heart tube (H) in a wild-type (WT) E9.0 embryo is viewed from the anatomical right (D). Mutant embryos show randomized heart tube looping. Shown are 2 mutant embryos, with one showing normal rightward heart tube looping (E), and another embryo, viewed from the left, showing reversed leftward looping of the heart tube (F). Note relatively shorter outflow tracts demarcated by white lines in mutants. (G and H) Abnormal embryonic turning in mutant embryos. Ventral view of E9 embryos show embryonic turning in a WT (G) and mutant (H) embryo. In WT embryo, embryonic turning positions the tail to the right of the head (G). In the mutant embryo, reversal in embryonic turning positions the tail to the left of the head (H). [Scale bars: 500 um (A-C); 100 um (D and G).]
Copyright This image is from Zhang Z, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2009 Mar 3;106(9):3219-24. Copyright 2009 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:146805
Symbol Name
Megf8hlb611 multiple EGF-like-domains 8; heart, lung and blood 611
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Megf8hlb611/Megf8hlb611 involves: C57BL/6J

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