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Caption Ig deposition and B cell infiltrates in spinal cord of sick Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 Igh-Jtm1Aigl/Igh-Jtm1Aigl and Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 mice. (A-D) Histological analysis of spinal cord using anti-Ig antibodies shows deposition of Ig in sick Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 Igh-Jtm1Aigl/Igh-Jtm1Aigl (A and B) and Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 (C and D) mice (B and D show magnifications of marked areas in A and C, respectively). (E) Anti-B220 staining revealed some B cells among cellular infiltrates in sick Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 mice. (F) Deposition of complement C9neo within CNS lesions of Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 mice. Mononuclear cells were stained with H&E. Magnifications: A and C, x50; B, x425; D and E, x200; F, x450. Bars: (A and C) 1 mm; (B and D-F) 100 um. Data are representative of at least two independent experiments consisting of more than three mice per group.
Copyright This image is from Pollinger B, J Exp Med 2009 Jun 8;206(6):1303-16, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:149511
Symbol Name
Igh-Jtm1Aigl immunoglobulin heavy chain, joining region; targeted mutation 1, Antonio Iglesias
Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs transgene insertion 1640, Florian C Kurschus
Allelic Composition Genetic Background
Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs/0 SJL.FVB-Tg(H2-Kb-Tcra,-Tcrb)1640Kurs
involves: 129S1/Sv * 129X1/SvJ * FVB/N * SJL/J

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