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Molecular Image Detail
Caption A, schematic representation of the Ppp5c+ (wild-type) mouse allele, targeting vector, recombined allele, Ppp5ctm1.1Rhon allele (conditional allele, PP5flox) and the final Ppp5c knock-out, Ppp5ctm1.2Rhon (PP5-/-) allele generated by Cre recombinase. loxP sites are indicated by triangles (lox). The relative positions of sequences recognized by restriction endonucleases used in analysis are indicated above the lines. B, diagram showing the position of sites recognized by Spel (S) and the expected size of DNA produced by Spel digestion of genomic DNA from ES cells containing wild-type or the targeted alleles.
Copyright This image is from Amable L, J Biol Chem 2011 Nov 25;286(47):40413-22 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:178164
Symbol Name
Ppp5ctm1.1Rhon protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit; targeted mutation 1.1, Richard E Honkanen
Ppp5ctm1.2Rhon protein phosphatase 5, catalytic subunit; targeted mutation 1.2, Richard E Honkanen

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