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Caption Generation of the Clcn4tm1Tjj (clcn4-) allele. A, Targeting strategy. Top, Mouse genomic Clcn4-2 sequence encompassing 13 exons. Middle, To generate the targeting construct, 12.2 kb Clcn4-2 sequence (containing exons 1-11) from a genomic lambda phage library were isolated. In the targeting construct, exons 5 and 6 were replaced by a neomycin-resistance cassette for positive selection. Further, a diphtheria toxin A (dta) cassette for negative selection was inserted into the 5' sequence before exon 3. For screening purposes, a BamHI site in intron 9 was eliminated by mutation. Bottom, Homologous recombination between the targeting construct and the endogenous Clcn4-2 allele generates the Clcn4tm1Tjj allele. In homozygous mutant mice, loss of exons 5 and 6 cause a shift of the open reading frame.
Copyright This image is from Rickheit G, J Biol Chem 2010 Jun 4;285(23):17595-603 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:164474
Symbol Name
Clcn4tm1Tjj chloride channel, voltage-sensitive 4; targeted mutation 1, Thomas J Jentsch

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