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Caption (A) The Cdk1 genomic locus (I) was modified in ES cells with the targeting vector (II) shown. An FRT-flanked neomycin-selection cassette was introduced along with LoxP recombination sites (red triangles) on both sides of exon 3, which generated a mutant Cdk1 locus (III). For Southern blot analysis, 5' and 3' probes located outside the targeting vector were used, after an EcoRV (RV) digest, resulting in a 31,206-bp (recombinant) and a 9,110-bp (5') or 20,300-bp (3') fragment for wild-type. Upon expression of FLP recombinase, the neomycin cassette was removed, and only the LoxP sites remained in the locus (IV, Cdk1FLOX), generating the Cdk1tm2.1Kald allele. After Cre recombinase expression, exon 3 was excised (V), which resulted in deletion of Cdk1 and a frame shift, generating the Cdk1tm2.2Kald allele. PCR genotyping primers are indicated (Pr1, -2, and -3). To generate Cdk1 knockouts, floxed mice were crossed with beta-actin-Cre mice, expressing Cre recombinase ubiquitously in all tissues, including germ line.
Copyright This image is from Diril MK, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2012 Mar 6;109(10):3826-31. Copyright 2012 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:182141
Symbol Name
Cdk1tm2.1Kald cyclin dependent kinase 1; targeted mutation 2.1, Philipp Kaldis
Cdk1tm2.2Kald cyclin dependent kinase 1; targeted mutation 2.2, Philipp Kaldis

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