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Caption Genomic construct for conditional deletion of the Vcan mice. A, the wild-type Vcan locus is depicted on the top line. A Vcan targeting vector was constructed by flanking exon 2 with loxP sites, and flanking a PGK-neoR cassette with FRT sites (Targeting vector). ES cell clones with homologous recombination of the vector segment (Recombinant allele) were obtained by positive selection and used for generation of chimera mice, followed by germ line transmission. The FRT-flanked PGK-neoR cassette was subsequently deleted from the recombinant allele by crossing with CAG-Flp Tg mice. These mice, termed Vcantm1.1Hwat (Vcanflox/flox), can be crossed with mice expressing Cre recombinase to conditionally delete exon 2.
Copyright This image is from Choocheep K, J Biol Chem 2010 Jul 2;285(27):21114-25 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:165936
Symbol Name
Vcantm1.1Hwat versican; targeted mutation 1.1, Hideto Watanabe

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