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Caption Targeted disruption and generation of Tekt3tm1Zuk mutant mice. A: Tekt3 genomic locus and targeting vector for generation of a Tekt3-null allele, Tekt3tm1Zuk. The Pgk1-HPRT cassette was used to delete 218 bp in exon 2 (containing the start codon) and homologous recombination was achieved in AB2.2 ES cells. 5' and 3' probes were used to distinguish wild-type (WT) and mutant alleles. (PII, Pvu II; BI, BamHI).
Copyright This image is from Roy A, Mol Reprod Dev 2009 May;76(5):453-9, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:148050
Symbol Name
Tekt3tm1Zuk tektin 3; targeted mutation 3, Martin M Matzuk

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