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Caption Generation of the Rspo3tm1.1Jcob (floxed allele) and Rspo3tm1.2Jcob (deleted allele: deltaExons 2-4) alleles. (a) Map of the genomic region of exons 2-4 (rectangles) of Rspo3. The arrow shows the location of the 18.5 kb BamH1 fragment detected by the 3' external probe. H3 = HindIII sites used for screening with the 5' probe. (b) The targeting vector with loxP sites flanking exons 2 and 4 and a neomycin selection cassette (Neo) flanked by FRT sites (blue rectangles) adjacent to the 3' loxP site. The 5' and 3' loxP sites include the diagnostic HindIII and BamH1 restriction sites, respectively. TK = MC1 promoter driving thymidine kinase expression for negative selection. (c) Structure of the allele after homologous recombination in ES cells. Correct targeting is detected by the 7.5 kb 3' BamH1 fragment and the 5.7kb 5' HindIII fragments by Southern blotting. (d) Mice carrying the targeted allele from (c) and the FLPe recombinase transgene delete the neomycin selection cassette as detected by PCR primers N/M to produce the mature floxed allele, Rspo3tm1.1Jcob. (e) The sequence between the two loxP sites, including exons 2-4, is deleted upon exposure to Cre recombinase to produce the deleted allele, Rspo3tm1.2Jcob. This deletion is detected by PCR primers K/M.
Copyright This image is from Neufeld S, Genesis 2012 Oct;50(10):741-9, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:188812
Symbol Name
Rspo3tm1.1Jcob R-spondin 3; targeted mutation 1.1, John Cobb
Rspo3tm1.2Jcob R-spondin 3; targeted mutation 1.2, John Cobb

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