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Caption Generation of the Rbbp8tm2Thl (CtipS326A-neo) and Rbbp8tm2.1Thl (CtipS326A) alleles. The wild-type Rbbp8 (Ctip) locus encompassing exons 9-14 is shown (A), along with the (CtipS326A-neo) targeting vector (B), and maps of the Rbbp8 locus after homologous recombination (C) and cre-mediated recombination (D). For the targeting vector, a neomycin expression cassette flanked by loxP signals (closed triangles) was inserted into the HpaI site of intron 10, whereas the S326A mutation (asterisk) and an AgeI restriction site were introduced into exon 11. An HSV thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene cassette was included in the targeting vector for negative selection. The wavy line represents plasmid sequences of the targeting vector. Relevant restriction enzyme sites are: PvuII (P); EcoRI (E); HpaI (H), and AgeI (A).
Copyright This image is from Reczek CR, J Cell Biol 2013 May 27;201(5):693-707, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. J:197743
Symbol Name
Rbbp8tm2.1Thl retinoblastoma binding protein 8, endonuclease; targeted mutation 2.1, Thomas Ludwig
Rbbp8tm2Thl retinoblastoma binding protein 8, endonuclease; targeted mutation 2, Thomas Ludwig

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