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Caption Generation of the Bub1btm2.1Jvd (BubR1GTTA) allele. Gene targeting strategy. Shown are: the genomic mouse Bub1b (BubR1) locus spanning exon 12 to 21 (top); the targeting vector (TV) with the GTTA insertion in exon 17 (asterisk), loxP sites (blue triangles); the Bub1b locus after targeted recombination; and the final Bub1btm2.1Jvd locus after protamine-Cre mediated recombination mice to excise the NEO cassette and produce the Bub1btm2.1Jvd allele. The Xmn1 (Xm) and Xho1 (Xh) restriction sites, the Southern blot probe, wild-type and BubR1NEO;GTTA Southern blot fragments and the 4 PCR primer sites (a-d) used for genotyping are indicated.
Copyright This image is from Wijshake T, PLoS Genet 2012;8(12):e1003138, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:194926
Symbol Name
Bub1btm2.1Jvd BUB1B, mitotic checkpoint serine/threonine kinase; targeted mutation 2.1, Jan M A van Deursen

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