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Caption Generation of the Rettm6.1Vpa (B - FLOXED ALLELE) and Rettm6.2Vpa allele (C - NULL ALLELE). B (A) The floxed Neomycin cassette was inserted approximately 4.5 kb upstream of exon 1 of mouse Ret locus, a third loxP (LoxP3) was introduced downstream of exon 1 and approximately 5 kb downstream, the PGK-TK pA cassette was inserted to aid negative selection. Targeted events were identified by Southern analysis of either HindIII digests of genomic DNA using the 5' external probe. (B) The floxed allele, Rettm6.1Vpa, was identified by PCR and the primers P1/P2 were used to identify the loxP that remained after excision of the Neomycin cassette (PGK-Neo-PA), while the loxP3 was identified using primers P3/P4. The primer sequences are in the methods section. (C) To screen for the null allele, Rettm6.2Vpa, primers P1 and P4 were used.
Copyright This image is from Almeida AR, PLoS One 2012;7(12):e52949, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:195828
Symbol Name
Rettm1Cos ret proto-oncogene; targeted mutation 1, Frank Costantini
Rettm6.1Vpa ret proto-oncogene; targeted mutation 6.1, Vassilis Pachnis
Rettm6.2Vpa ret proto-oncogene; targeted mutation 6.2, Vassilis Pachnis

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