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Molecular Image Detail
Caption Generation of the Del(13Simc1-B4galt7)2Dja deletion. The targeting vectors used to generate the 1.5-Mb deletion between the Simc1 (4732471D19Rik) and B4galt7 loci contained a loxP site (arrowhead), a selectable antibiotic resistance gene [N (neomycin) or P (puromycin)], a coat-color marker (Ty or Ag), and part of the Hprt gene (5' or 3'), which were targeted as indicated (B, BstEII; S, SpeI; P, puromycin; N, neomycin; Ty, Tyrosinase; Ag, Agouti).
Copyright This image is from Migdalska AM, Mamm Genome 2012 Dec;23(11-12):749-57 and is displayed with the permission of Springer Science + Business Media, Inc., New York who owns the copyright. J:190741
Symbol Name
Del(13Simc1-B4galt7)2Dja deletion, Chr 13, David J Adams 2

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