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Caption Generation of the floxed Psmc4tm1.1Ryot and knock-out Psmc4tm1.2Ryot alleles. A, schematic diagram of the Psmc4 (Rpt3) floxed construct to generate the Psmc4tm1.1Ryot allele. Cre removes the region of the Psmc4 gene that encodes exons 7-10 (black boxes), which are flanked by loxP (triangles) and generates the Psmc4tm1.2Ryot allele. The neomycin resistance gene (white box) between FRT (closed half-circles) was already removed by crossing Tg(EEF1A1-flp)66Mim (FLP66) mice with Psmc4tm1.1Ryot floxed mice. F1, Psmc4 (Rpt3) fl-for primer; R1, Psmc4 (Rpt3) fl-rev primer; R2, Psmc4 (Rpt3) del-rev primer; A, Aatl; AL, ApaLI; H, HindIII.
Copyright This image is from Tashiro Y, J Biol Chem 2012 Dec 14;287(51):42984-94 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:193770
Symbol Name
Psmc4tm1.1Ryot proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4; targeted mutation 1.1, Ryosuke Takahashi
Psmc4tm1.2Ryot proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4; targeted mutation 1.2, Ryosuke Takahashi

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