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Caption Generation of the Lbhtm1.1Kbri (LbhloxP) and Lbhtm1.2Kbri (Lbhdelta2) alleles. (a) Schematic representation of the mouse Lbh genomic locus and targeting strategy used. The wild-type (WT) Lbh locus encompasses three coding exons with white boxes, indicating the 50- and 30-untranslated regions and black boxes the LBH protein-coding sequences. The targeting vector contained a 5' arm with sequences homologous to 8.0 kb of Lbh including exons 1 and 2 and a loxP site 5' of the exon 2 to be targeted, a PGK-Neo cassette flanked by tandem Frt-loxP sites, and a 3' arm with sequences homologous to 3 kb of Lbh downstream of exon 2. LoxP sites are denoted by black triangles, Frt sites by white triangles. Additional EcoRI (RI) and NcoI (N) restriction sites in the targeting vector 5' and 3' of exon 2 facilitated genomic screening of ES cells. Homologous recombination in ES cells resulted in the floxed Lbh allele. Recombination of the Frt sites flanking the Neo selection marker after breeding Lbhflox mice with ROSA26-FLPe mice resulted in the LbhloxP allele (Lbhtm1.1Kbri), and recombination of the loxP sites flanking exon 2 after breeding with ROSA26-Cre mice in the Lbhdelta2 null allele (Lbhtm1.2Kbri). The location of genomic probes (black rectangles) and primers for PCR genotyping (black arrows) is indicated.
Copyright This image is from Lindley LE, Genesis 2013 Jul;51(7):491-7, and is displayed with the permission of Wiley-Blackwell, who owns the Copyright. J:199325
Symbol Name
Lbhtm1.1Kbri limb-bud and heart; targeted mutation 1.1, Karoline J Briegel
Lbhtm1.2Kbri limb-bud and heart; targeted mutation 1.2, Karoline J Briegel

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