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Caption Generation of the Itm2atm1Buck (Itm2aCKDO-IRESnlacZ/+ (Neo) allele), Itm2atm1.1Buck (Itm2aCDKO-IRESnlacZ/+ allele) and Itm2atm1.2Buck (Itm2aKO-IRESnlacZ/+ allele) alleles. A, Schematic diagramof the Itm2a locus and targeting construct. The construct contains loxP sites inserted into exon 1 and 4. A PGK-Neo-pA (Neo) selection marker is flanked by FRT sites and inserted into exon 4. An IRES-nLacZ cassette has been inserted into the 3' UTR (exon6). A counter-selection cassette encoding the A subunit of Diphtheria Toxin was inserted at the 5' end of the targeting vector. Schematic diagrams ofthe Itm2atm1.1Buck (Itm2acdKO-IRESnLacZ (Neo)) and Itm2atm1.2Buck (Itm2aKO-IRESnLacZ (Neo)) alleles are also shown. Probes and restriction enzymes are indicated, with the size of the resulting wild-type and recombined restriction fragments. Pax3 sites located in Itm2a intron1 are represented by a pink box.
Copyright This image is from Lagha M, PLoS One 2013;8(5):e63143, and is displayed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. J:200546
Symbol Name
Itm2atm1.1Buck integral membrane protein 2A; targeted mutation 1.1, Margaret E Buckingham
Itm2atm1.2Buck integral membrane protein 2A; targeted mutation 1.2, Margaret E Buckingham
Itm2atm1Buck integral membrane protein 2A; targeted mutation 1, Margaret E Buckingham

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