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Caption Generation of transgenic mice harboring an enzymatically inactive ceramide synthase 6 gene (Cers6tm1.1Kwi; mCerS6KO). A, homologous recombination scheme of the CerS6KO-vector with the Cers6 wild-type gene leads to mCerS6Neo. TheCerS6K0-vector is flanked by two homologous regions (5' HR and 3' HR). The stop codon and the internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) and the lacZ reporter gene are integrated between the first 9 and the last 9 bp of the catalytically active exon 7. The splice acceptor site (SA) in intron 6 and the splice donor site (SD) in intron 7 remain in position. The coding region of the neomycin resistance gene is flanked by two flippase recognition target (frt) sites. Flippase (Flp)-mediated recombination then leads to the Cers6tm1.1Kwi allele.
Copyright This image is from Ebel P, J Biol Chem 2013 Jul 19;288(29):21433-47 and is displayed with the permission of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology who owns the Copyright. Full text from JBC. J:201327
Symbol Name
Cers6tm1.1Kwi ceramide synthase 6; targeted mutation 1.1, Klaus Willecke

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