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Molecular Image Detail
Caption (A) Schematic of Prnp sequence differences expressed by the Prnptm2Lnq (FFI) and Prnptm3Lnq (CJD) mouse lines. The top line depicts the Prnp genomic locus and the closely linked Prnd gene. All changes are made to the protein coding sequence in exon 3 of Prnp (grayed area). Underneath are horizontal lines depicting three forms of mature prion protein expressed in the knock-in mice, which include amino acids 23 to 231 of a 254-aa protein, as, shortly after synthesis, signal sequences are clipped off. Positions of amino acid changes are indicated above vertical ticks on the horizontal lines.
Copyright This image is from Jackson WS, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2013 Sep 3;110(36):14759-64. Copyright 2013 National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A. J:200974
Symbol Name
Prnptm2Lnq prion protein; targeted mutation 2, Susan Lindquist
Prnptm3Lnq prion protein; targeted mutation 3, Susan Lindquist

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